6th Annual Career and Technical Education Summit
Virtual Conference | June 22-23, 2021
Global Conversations in CTE/TVET: Issues and Opportunities
Registered attendees will receive a Zoom meeting invitation for each day. Use the link in the meeting invitation to join the meeting.
Tuesday, June 22, 2021
1:00-5:00 PM, U.S. Central Time
1:00 PM - Welcome and Opening Remarks | Dr. Deanna Schultz

1:15 PM - Keynote | The Tacit Knowledge Challenge for Global CTE/TVET | Dr. Theodore Lewis
What makes CTE/TVET distinctive is the value it attaches to practical knowledge, and especially forms of such knowledge that may defy articulation and need to be communicated by demonstration or practice. In a study of how knowledge is transferred in nuclear power plants, Hytinen (2004) explains that “knowledge has also a tacit element, which is the know-how of individuals including mental models, crafts, skills, intuitions, hunches and feelings which may be very difficult or even impossible to articulate”. How can such knowledge be passed on? We are seeing in the workplace of today, especially in the work of Nonaka, that tacit skills are being accorded the highest value. This presentation explores issues, and opportunities that the inculcation of tacit knowledge presents globally to those involved in education for work.
Dr. Theodore Lewis
Professor Emeritus-University of Minnesota
Theodore Lewis arrived at Stout in 1972 with transfer credits, on a scholarship from the government of Trinidad and Tobago, and completed the BS in Industrial education in 1974. Later, in 1974, he completed the MS. He returned home and subsequently attended Ohio State in 1980, completing the Ph.D. in Education in 1983 with a focus in Technology Education and Career and Technical Education.
Work Experience
Lewis’s work experience includes secondary school teaching technical subjects in Trinidad and Tobago. It further includes a supervisory role at the National Training Board, Trinidad and Tobago, and a stint as a Technical Trainer at the state sugar factory.
His life in the academy includes 18 years as a faculty member in the Department of Work Community and Family Education at the University of Minnesota. He retired there as Professor in 2008, and the title Professor Emeritus was conferred on him on leaving. Lewis returned home to be a professor at the University of Trinidad and Tobago and then part-time senior Lecturer in the School of Education at the University of the West Indies St Augustine Campus.
Scholarly Endeavors
His scholarly work has focused on issues and ideas relating to work, Career and Technical Education, and Technology Education. It features over 50 refereed articles in an array of Journals, including Oxford Review of Education; Journal of Philosophy of Education; International Journal of Education Development; Curriculum Inquiry; Journal of Curriculum Studies, and International Journal of Engineering Education.
Other roles included the President of the American Vocational Education Research Association (AVERA), and the National Association of industrial and Technical Teacher Educators (NAITTE). Lewis was also editor of the Journal of Vocational Education Research (JVER).
Lewis has made scholarly presentations at conferences/scholarly gatherings across the United States, and in Canada, England, Israel, Hong Kong, India, Beijing, and across the Caribbean.
Selected publications
Annetta Alexander, Wallis Wyke, Theodore Lewis, Maureen Taylor-Ryan (July 2019). Providing Reading Competence Feedback to the National School System of Trinidad and Tobago, Reading Teacher, https://doi.org/10.1002/trtr.1843
Lewis, T. (2013). Tacit knowledge and the labor process. In Learning, Work and Practice: New Understandings, Paul Gibbs (ed), Springer, pp.33-50.
Lewis, T. (2009). Towards Reclaiming the High Ground in the Discourse on Vocational Education in Developing Countries. International Journal of Educational Development, 29(6), 558-564.
Lewis, T. (2005). At the Interface of School and Work. Journal of Philosophy of Education, 39(3), 421-441.
Recent work (2016-17):
Chair of Cabinet-Appointed Committee that conducted a national review of the status of the Early Childhood and Elementary schooling in Trinidad and Tobago.
Graduate advising.
Lewis advised 28 doctoral students to completion at the University of Minnesota, and more recently 7 Masters students at the University of the West Indies (St Augustine campus, Trinidad).
2:30 PM - Panel discussion | Dr. Urs Haltinner, Moderator
To further discuss tacit knowledge and other aspects of global CTE/TVET, Dr. Lewis will be joined by two panelists.

Panelist: Dr. Shirley “Sam” Mabini Young
Executive Director Guam ACTEDr. Shirley “Sam” Mabini has been a strong advocate for CTE and workforce development initiatives, locally and nationally. She received her Ph.D. in Work and Human Resource Education from the University of Minnesota. Dr. Mabini was recently the Director for the Guam Department of Labor and was previously the Provost at the Pacific Islands University, an adjunct Associate Professor with University of Maryland University College, and Associate Dean at Guam Community College.
Dr. Shirley “Sam” Mabini
Executive Director Guam ACTE
Dr. Shirley “Sam” Mabini has been a strong advocate for CTE and workforce development initiatives, locally and nationally. She received her Ph.D. in Work and Human Resource Education from the University of Minnesota. Dr. Mabini was recently the Director for the Guam Department of Labor and was previously the Provost at the Pacific Islands University, an adjunct Associate Professor with University of Maryland University College, and Associate Dean at Guam Community College. She was a Senator in the 31st Guam Legislature (2010-2012), working diligently on initiatives in education and workforce development to improve and enhance the livelihood of Guam citizens. She authored College and Career Readiness Act (CCaRe Act), retiring old curricular structures in Guam DOE to improve student preparation for life beyond high school. Dr. Mabini’s legislative and public service efforts regarding career and college preparation are making a difference today in Guam schools. In 2016, Dr. Mabini launched the Guam Association of Career and Technical Education (GACTE) to serve the western Pacific region and has been an active member of ACTE.
Her project, Bridging CTE to Industry Workforce Projection Needs, is a study examining the extent to which CTE postsecondary programs are designed to align the development of graduates from secondary and postsecondary CTE programs in relation to the demands and shortage of quality workforce needed by the business. The focus was on postsecondary CTE programs in a selected state, and how they effectively addressed workforce demands or shortages to close the gap in numbers.

Panelist: Dr. Urs Hauenstein
Honorary Professor for the University Agora Oradea RomaniaDr. Hauenstein is the President of the International Council of Education and Management (ICEM), the Association of Swiss Quality Competencies and Qualifications (SQCQ), the Institute of Competencies and Qualifications in Switzerland (I-C-Q), and the International Network for Accreditation, Recognition, and Dissemination in the UK (INARD). He serves as Honorary Professor for the University Agora Oradea Romania and as Visiting Professor for a range of other Universities in Europe and Eastern Europe. He is an Honorary Fellow at Leeds Beckett University, an Advisory Board Member for Internationalisation to the University of Lincoln, and a Senior Fellow of Globethics Geneva.
Panelist: Dr. Urs Hauenstein
Honorary Professor for the University Agora Oradea Romania
Dr. Hauenstein is the President of the International Council of Education and Management (ICEM), the Association of Swiss Quality Competencies and Qualifications (SQCQ), the Institute of Competencies and Qualifications in Switzerland (I-C-Q), and the International Network for Accreditation, Recognition, and Dissemination in the UK (INARD). He serves as Honorary Professor for the University Agora Oradea Romania and as Visiting Professor for a range of other Universities in Europe and Eastern Europe. He is an Honorary Fellow at Leeds Beckett University, an Advisory Board Member for Internationalisation to the University of Lincoln, and a Senior Fellow of Globethics Geneva.
PhD Education Management, Prof h.c.
urs@hauenstein.international | www.hauenstein.international | +41(0)32 508 08 08
International Council for Education and Management ICEM
Swiss Quality Competencies and Qualifications SQCQ
Institute for Competencies and Qualifications I-C-Q
International Network of Accreditation, Recognition and Dissemination INARD
Institutes & Chairs Network for the 21st Century, for the Future
world21future, e21future, education21future, management21future | www.m21future.com
Brands™: International Council ICEM, Swiss Quality SQCQ, Institute I-C-Q, Incubator21, Accelerator21, Priorities
New initiated Projects 2020 and 2021: world21future, e21future, m21future, upreskilling, xpreneurship, disruptionology, youthpreneurship
3:45 PM - Small group breakout sessions to continue the conversation.
Wednesday, June 23, 2021
9:00 AM - 1:00 PM, U.S. Central Time
9:00 AM - Opening and welcome - Dr. Deanna Schultz
9:00 AM - Research Presentations by UW-Stout CTE graduate students.
Room 1
Rachel Krueger
Krueger, R. (2021). Managing the Healthcare Crisis: Career Narrative of Nurses
Tonya Wagner
Wagner, T. (2020). Developing the Talent Pipeline for Women in Information Technology Through Increased Enrollment in Middle-Skill Information Technology Degree Programs (Link) | UW-Stout Faculty Top 1 Dissertation
Room 2
Garrett Kaminski
Kaminski, G., (2020). Key Influences and Perceptions of Welding Dual Credit Earners at a Wisconsin Technical College (Plan B Thesis)
Ryan Ubersox
Ubersox, R. (2021). A Case Study Examining the Purpose and Implementation of Fab Labs in PK-12 Education in Wisconsin
Room 3
Brigitta Altmann
Altmann, B. (2020). Work-Based Learning Participation and its Effects on the Advancement of Employability Skill Development and Post-secondary Career Decisions | UW-Stout Faculty Top 2 Dissertation
Michael Selover
Selover, M. (2021). The Marginalization of Rural Communities: A Mixed-Methods Study of Equity Within Rural Postsecondary Career and Technical Education.
10:15 AM - Breakout Sessions - More conversations from around the world.

Breakout Room 1
Dr. Matt Janisin, Vice President, Business & Workforce Solutions, Gateway Technical College
Between 2011-2015 Gateway Technical College was part of a USAID initiative in expanding educational collaboration in the Broader Middle East and North African (BMENA) region. Due to the close relationships forged during this time, the partnership has survived to the present day with the partners still working closely together. Gateway partnered with the University Mohammed I, and specifically their technology focus campus, Ecole Supérieure de Technologie (EST), in Oujda, Morocco. Our project centered around rapidly changing automotive technology and diagnostics which was a growing area of need for them. We also wanted to integrate industry partnerships into this model, so Snap-on, Inc and the National Coalition of Certification Centers (NC3) were integral to the project's success. This presentation describes the multi-year journey of both technical and cultural exchanges as we worked together to build out a new automotive program curriculum and instructor professional development. The group at EST went far above and beyond the original scope of the USAID project and ultimately built a new facility and continues to expand the program to this day with collaboration from the original partners.
BMENA Case Study
This paper describes many of the USAID-funded projects and gives a detailed overview of Gateway's specific project on pages 100-116.
Matthew E. Janisin, Ed.D.
Vice President - Business & Workforce Solutions
Gateway Technical College
Matt Janisin has been the Vice President of the Business & Workforce Solutions (BWS) division at Gateway Technical College in Kenosha, Wisconsin since October 2017. His primary role is to oversee outreach to business and industry, apprenticeship, customized contract training, Fab Lab activities, business partnerships, and specialized collaborative training initiatives working with organizations including the Department of Corrections, local workforce agencies, and private donors.
Starting 2011, Matt served as Gateway’s NC3 Instructor/Coordinator where he developed and delivered a number of the certification courses available through NC3 and its partners, including the Snap-on Diagnostics, Torque, Wheel Service, and Meter certifications, to current Gateway students, local incumbent workers, and fellow instructors from across the world whose colleges have joined the NC3 team. He was a lead instructor on a project in Oujda, Morocco to build a new college-level automotive technology program anchored by NC3 industry certifications. The Morocco project was part of a USAID initiative that officially ran from 2011-2015 but has continued on with direct collaboration between NC3, Snap-on, and the partner colleges. This project involved eight training and coordination trips to Morocco and four hosting the Morocco group at Gateway.
Matt holds Bachelor (2002) and Master of Science (2007) degrees in Industrial & Technology Education and a doctorate in Career and Technical Education (2016); all from the University of Wisconsin-Stout. He taught a variety of CTE-related courses, including PLTW engineering, manufacturing, automotive, and power sports technologies at the high school level since 2003 while also adjunct teaching in automotive at Gateway since 2007 before joining Gateway full-time in 2011. His background is in automotive including being an ASE Certified Master Technician with a number of other ASE endorsements. He has also authored a textbook, Guide to Diagnostic Product Certification, based on the work he has done with Snap-on and NC3.

Breakout Room 2
Dr. Julie Furst-Bowe
Academic Vice President
Chippewa Valley Technical College
Dr. Janine Duncan
Assistant Professor and CTE Coordinator
Kansas State University
Making International CTE Connections through Professional Organizations
Rapid technological, economical and social changes are creating a world that is increasingly interconnected. Career and technical educators are challenged with preparing their graduates for employment in a world where success often requires the ability to connect and collaborate with colleagues and employers around the globe. In this session, Dr. Janine Duncan, Assistant Professor and CTE Coordinator, Kansas State University, and Dr. Julie Furst-Bowe, Vice President, Chippewa Valley Technical College, will discuss the benefits of their involvement in two international CTE organizations, the International Federation for Home Economics and the International Vocational Education and Training Association (IVETA). These benefits include networking, professional development as well as creating opportunities for faculty and students to engage in international exchanges.
Dr. Julie Furst-Bowe
Academic Vice President
Chippewa Valley Technical College (CVTC)
Dr. Julie Furst-Bowe currently serves as the Academic Vice President at Chippewa Valley Technical College (CVTC), a multi-campus institution serving more than 16,000 students annually in credit and non-credit programs throughout Wisconsin.
Prior to her arrival at CVTC, Dr. Furst-Bowe served as the Chancellor of Southern Illinois University Edwardsville from 2012 to 2015 and as Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs at the University of Wisconsin-Stout from 2005 to 2012. She also served as a tenured faculty member, graduate program director, department chair, associate vice chancellor, and assistant chancellor for assessment and quality improvement at UW-Stout.
While at UW-Stout, Julie led efforts in accreditation and continuous quality improvement using the Baldrige Criteria for Performance Excellence. UW-Stout became the first and only university to receive the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award. Julie continues to be active as a senior Baldrige examiner and recently completed a term on the National Board of Overseers for the Baldrige Awards Program. She has written several articles and edited two books on the topic of quality improvement in education. She has presented and consulted on this topic in more than 15 countries. She served as a Fulbright Specialist assisting with the development of a new university in Azerbaijan and has evaluated educational institutions in China and the United Arab Emirates.
For nearly two decades, Julie has served as a liaison, mentor, peer reviewer, presenter, strategy forum facilitator and team leader for the Higher Learning Commission, the largest regional accreditation organization for post-secondary institutions in the United States. In addition, she is currently serving on the Commission’s Institutional Action Council.
Julie is active and holds leadership roles in several state, regional and national professional associations including the Association for Career and Technical Education, the Wisconsin Center for Performance Excellence and the Performance Excellence Network. She was recently elected chair-elect for the Education Division of the American Society for Quality and was recently appointed as a member of the Board of Directors for Wisconsin Literacy, Inc. She received her doctorate in Work, Family, and Community Education from the University of Minnesota. Her dissertation on the use of technology in the workplace received the Award of Excellence for Outstanding Research from the International Society for Performance Improvement.
Dr. Janine Duncan
Assistant Professor and CTE Coordinator
Kansas State University
Through her 16-year career in higher education, Dr. Duncan has served as a Family & Consumer Sciences (FCS) Teacher Educator in multiple institutions. Professionally engaged, she is active at the state, national, and international levels, focusing on DEI and global issues through her work with the ACTE IAED Mentor Program and supporting the International Federation for Home Economics (IFHE) as the Vice President for the Region of the Americas, Co-Chair for the IFHE World Congress 2022, and as a representative to the United Nations.

Breakout Room 3
Ms. Sabrina Loi, Chief Officer and Dean, Institute of Technical Education, Singapore
Sabrina played a key role in ITE’s successful transformation into a quality and globally recognized post-secondary institution through the formulation and successful execution of five-yearly strategic roadmaps; the turnaround of ITE's brand name and public image through integrated branding and communications; leveling up of staff and organizational capabilities. She spearheaded and led ITE’s organizational excellence and quality assurance journey and efforts that helped ITE win the prestigious Singapore Quality Award in 2011 and 2018; the Singapore Quality Award in 2005, and the Global Harvard-IBM Innovations Award in Transforming Government in 2007.

Breakout Room 4
Ms. Allyson Kaye Dutschke, Adelaide University
CTE & TVET in Australia: The View from Down Under
Despite Australia having been inhabited for approx. 60,000yrs, the story of Australian Career and Vocational education only began to take flight sixty years ago. This presentation will provide a brief overview of this history, arriving at where this critical life-influencing decision is situated today, and discussing current State and National TVET priorities.
The challenges to career education in Australia (both in school and post-school) will be discussed, together with the challenges and issues affecting CTE and TVET as it forges forward into the post-COVID-19 world.
One question remains – does the view really look any different from the other side?
Dr. Allyson Dutschke
School of Education, Faculty of Arts, The University of Adelaide, South Australia
With over 30 yrs in the Early Childhood field, Allyson was a Lecturer with TAFE SA from 2000-2019. She has facilitated training and assessment for students studying Certificate II Community Services to Certificate III and Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care. Her teaching passions are cultural diversity, inclusion, child development and child protection.
A late starter at University, she completed her B.Ed (AVWL) in 2012 and the spark for Higher Education learning was ignited. A chance opportunity saw Allyson complete the Master of Education (career education), and her interest in research began.
Participating in the TAFE SA Leadership program in 2015 provided the opportunity to see the bigger picture of VET in South Australia, and she was a founding member of the TAFE SA Action research group, with her paper from this research being published in the International journal of Training Research in 2018.
Beginning her PhD in Education studies in 2018, she aims to redefine supportive learning environments for VET students, and change VET policy along the way.
11:30 AM - Wrap-up and Takeaways - What did we learn?
Keynote Sponsor: $5,000
Gold Sponsor: $2,500
Silver Sponsor: $1,000
Bronze Sponsor: $500
Last year's topics
Tuesday Afternoon
Katie Feuerhelm, Interim Director, Emerging Center for CTE Excellence, UW-Stout
Opening Address
2019 CTE Summit Keynote, Sylvia Cheuy, Tamarack Institute
Laying the Foundation
Katie Feuerhelm, Interim Director, Emerging Center for CTE Excellence, UW-Stout
Debbie Stanislawski, Program Director, B.S. Marketing and Business Education, UW-Stout
Keynote - Addressing the Teacher Pipeline Through Collective Impact
Alex Manuel, Executive Director, Washington State Professional Educator Standards Board
Break: 10 Minutes
Teacher Shortage: Trends and Concerns
David DeGuire, Director of Teacher Education, Professional Development, and Licensing at Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction
Panel Discussion with Current Teachers
Debbie Stanislawski, Program Director, Professor, Teaching, Learning and Leadership Department, UW-Stout
Kathleen Thorn, Business Education, Colfax Middle School
Scott Sayles, Business & Marketing, DECA Advisor, Eden Prairie High School
Tracie Nielson, Business & Marketing, DECA Advisor, Kenosha School District
Andrew Kleiber, Technology Education Teacher, Winona High School
Jill Spilde, BS CTET
- Understand the challenges and joys of teaching.
- What attracted them to teaching and what do they face?
- Recruitment: what works.
- What supports do teachers need to stay in the field?
Wrap-up Discussion: Considering a Common Vision
Sylvia Tiala, Associate Professor, Teaching, Learning & Leadership Department, UW-Stout
Wednesday morning
Katie Feuerhelm, Interim Director, Emerging Center for CTE Excellence, UW-Stout
Katherine Frank, Chancellor, UW-Stout
UW-Stout Studies on Issues related to CTE:
- Experience-Based Licensure (30 min)
Pete McConnell, Current student, Masters in CTE, UW-Stout
- Online Teaching Strategies for CTE (30 min)
Tricia Makowiak, Graduate, Masters in CTE, UW-Stout
- Career and Technical Education Leadership (45 min)
Greg Benz, Current student, EDD, UW-Stout
Deanna Schultz, Associate Professor, MS CTE Program Director
- Employer-sponsored Certification Training
Alyssa Haynes, MS CTE, UW Stout
Break: 10 minutes
Discussion: Bringing it together and future opportunities.
@uwstoutcte #uwstoutcte

Sylvia Cheuy, a consulting director from the Tamarack Institute, kicked off the 4th annual UW-Stout CTE Summit. The theme for 2019 was Opportunities in CTE Through Collective Impact: Understand the power of together. Recognizing that many stakeholders engage in work which is critical to workforce development, the focus was on collective impact; specifically, community building, sharing resources, systems change and collaboration. Following the keynote, Sylvia facilitated a panel consisting of individuals from various sectors engaging in collective impact work. From there, participants had opportunities to share ideas, learn and network with other professionals engaged in workforce development. The event wrapped up with a group discussion facilitated by Deanna Schultz, Director of the Emerging Center for CTE Excellence.
2019 Panel: Collective Impact in Practice
- Karen Katz, Office of Children's Mental Health-Wisconsin
- Stacy Eslick, Reach Higher Initiative
- KT Gallagher, Dunn County Health, Dunn County Health & Human Services
- Cristy Linse, Creating a Healthier Community, UW-Stout
- Andrea Gabel, Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation
- Chelsea Powell, Higher Expectations Racine County