Reducing waste is an important part of reducing our greenhouse gas emissions as a campus.
At UW-Stout, we're committed to reducing, reusing, and recycling/composting to cut the amount of waste our campus sends to the landfill.

Campus-Wide Recycling and Compost Collection
You can find waste collection stations in every building on campus. No Sort Recycling bins allow you to recycle plastic bottles, aluminum cans, glass jars, paper, and more.
Our Organics for Compost bins help to divert food waste, compostable to-go containers (available in all on-campus cafeterias, eateries, and convenience stores), napkins, and more. These items are composted into organic fertilizer to help build soil.

Green to Go
Our campus dining facilities offer the Green To Go program. Students and staff can purchase reusable to-go containers for a small, one-time fee and use these containers any time they visit of dining facility. Learn more about University Dining's many other waste reduction efforts.