B.S. Environmental Science with Natural Resource Conservation Concentration

Prepares students for careers in the fields of ecological restoration and natural resource management, which includes land, soil, plants, and animals.
In this Section

Students conducting fieldworkThe Natural Resource Conservation (formerly Land Resources) programming at UW-Stout prepares students for careers in the fields of ecological restoration and natural resource management, which includes land, soil, plants, and animals. Professionals working in these fields spend a mixture of time working outside in the field and inside in the office or lab. Minors in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) or Chemistry are recommended.

The U.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has identified a critical national shortage in professionals with the ability to identify plants in the field. Our program requires a strong foundation in plant sciences with courses in botany, plant taxonomy, and plant ecology. It is unique in requiring substantial geographic information systems (GIS) coursework, an emphasis on invasive plant species and natural areas management, a required internship, and a strong senior capstone experience.

The coursework is designed to train students for careers in identifying, protecting, managing, and rehabilitating terrestrial and wetland natural areas. Natural Resource Conservation is ideal for students who want to get jobs as:

  • Biological, botanical, and forestry technicians 
  • Invasive plant species or ecological restoration technicians with private or non-profit industry
  • Research technicians
  • Environmental consultants
  • Natural areas managers
  • Naturalists
  • GIS/GPS technicians
  • Reclamation specialists with the Bureau of Land Management
  • Wetland delineators
Student Testimonials

"The Environmental Science program at UW-Stout has molded me into a well-rounded individual with a broad range of knowledge and skills.  The strong professors and involved students from diverse backgrounds and research interests have inspired me to continue my education in graduate school."

Callie Bernierpursuing graduate school in landscape architecture

“The UW-Stout Environmental Science program has given me the skill set needed to stand out in a competitive job market. I was given opportunities both in and out of the classroom to gain valuable experience with real-world applications.”

Steve Zweber

“The Environmental Science program at UW-Stout has given me hands on experience working with and identifying plants, bugs, and exciting aspects of the environment.  Personable teachers make learning easy and fun, and I feel like I learn something new each day!”

Chelsey Baranzcyk 

"The environmental science program at UW Stout helped me create my love for the outdoors into a potential career path that strays away from the mundane cubicle experience most graduates look forward to."

Nick Aschenbrenner

"The Environmental Science program helped me become successful by equipping me with the skills and knowledge needed to be and effective force in the fields of science, natural resource management, conservation, and land management through extensive coursework and in-field experience."

Jack Ritchie

"The program taught me many things about myself and the hands on nature of the courses helped me obtain an internship."

Sam Guyer

“The Land Resources concentration at Stout is amazing because the professors go the extra mile to help students succeed in every way. The professors help students find internships and work experiences to help us gain useful working knowledge and hands-on experiences. They also provide a good balance between lectures and hands-on learning like labs and field trips.”

Nina Borchowiecz

“The low student to teacher ratio within the UW-Stout Environmental Science program allows for teachers to take a hands-on approach to your education. This also allows for a better opportunity to perform undergraduate research than say similar programs in bigger universities. Beyond the classroom there are a good number of environmental-focused clubs, which offer hands-on experience in the skills learned in the classroom. I personally was able to take what I had learned from this program and land a job before I had graduated. This program also gave me the confidence to help friends and family with their own ecological restoration projects, as well as consult for people that I have met since graduation. “

Jake Pulfer 

"It kept me interested in the material, the enthusiasm that most of the professors had kept me from leaving. also allow students to have some sort of leeway we all have lives outside of the classroom and sometimes things do happen that stop us from finishing an assignment just be understanding."

Huston Hussman

"The program has given me an opportunity to succeed in a field I love. The professors and everyone else involved in this organization has done a considerable amount to help me become the knowledgeable, responsible, and motivated individual I am today. The small classroom sizes permitted me to become connected with many professors and gain connections I could never find elsewhere, which I am so thankful. I highly recommend this university to many future students."

Ryan Gould

"Being in this program helped me better understand what I need to do to be successful by exposing me to hands on projects, teaching me how to write, read, and interpret scientific papers and also helped me address the public and improved my communication skills."

Erik Ostrum