B.S. Computer Science (Interdisciplinary Concentration)

Combine Computer Science with a field of your choice!
In this Section

Direct your career by designing your curriculum to match your career goals. Pick a minor or second major in another field to complement the core Computer Science major. If you are a transfer student with a previous degree, you can use credits from that degree towards the Interdisciplinary concentration.

Examples of an interdisciplinary concentration focus:

  • Be a part of creating a more secure cyberspace! Acquire additional skills in security and networking to strategically position yourself to tackle the cyber issues that occupy the news headlines. Add an Information Security Management minor or a Computer Networking Systems and Design minor as part of your degree.
  • Augment your technical skills with business savvy! Adding a Business minor can help you understand the business world and enable you to help companies operate in the modern world by applying your computer science skills. Develop software for any business from medical to retail to insurance.