Flash Frozen

Trapped on a shipwrecked vessel, how will you survive this place haunted and warped by a living ice entity?
In this Section

Flash Frozen is a Survival Horror Game developed for PC on the Unity Engine. In the game you are trapped on a shipwrecked vessel, haunted and warped by a living ice entity. The player must escape the ship while staying warm and surviving the harsh frozen environment and its many dangers.


The game was one of two winners of the 2013 E3 College Games Competition. It was developed by the UW-Stout Game Design & Development Program's Senior 3D Game Design Class.


UW-Stout Students Win Big In National Video Game Design Comp

Wisconsin Public Radio covered these students as they were named co-champions out of 60 competing universities.

Documentary of the Making of the Game

Watch a short, student-created documentary about the development of the game:

Hassan Javaid