Get grandparents involved in the college experience.

Family connections can strengthen your student’s self-worth.
December 12, 2019

You work hard to support your Stout student. But you might have forgotten about another source of continued support. Gramma and Grampa.

Some grandparents support their student by offering financial help. Other students share how a grandparent has influenced their life by helping them make healthy choices and establish values and goals that led them to college.

There are many meaningful ways your student and their grandparents can stay connected.

Getting Involved

Students who have supportive family members do better in college. Here are some ways your student’s grandparents can get involved while they’re at Stout.

Research Day featured poster and oral presentations by 106 students and 84 faculty, April 2015. Pictured is student Katelyn Ferguson receiving a hug from a family member after receiving award.
  • Stay in touch. Students love to get mail and care packages. It connects them back to home, back to family. If their grandparents are on Facebook or other social media, that’s an easy way to stay in touch with your student, too.
  • Call just to talk. Scheduled calls give students (and grandparents) something to look forward to. Grandparents offer a different perspective when life gets tough. And it’s always good to check-in and see how your student’s doing.
  • Emotional support. We all can use a little extra love once in a while. Students appreciate emotional support from grandparents. The life experiences and stories their grandparents share are full of timeless advice for your student.
  • Family Weekend. Family Weekend is quality time together. Their grandparents can take your student out to eat. Off-campus dining is a welcome treat that students can seldom afford.
  • Homecoming. Campus visits for alumni grandparents are a great way to share Stout experiences with students, and see how the campus has changed over the years. There are many Blue Devil athletic events and cultural events throughout the year your student could go to with their grandparents.

During college, your student is figuring out who they are and how their passions can lead to a career path. Your student will benefit from a wide safety net and family support system. Help your student and their grandparents stay connected.