Kylie Frank

Hired before graduation.
Hometown Fall Creek, Wisconsin
Major B.S. Professional Communication & Emerging Media
Graduation Spring 2018

My education at UW-Stout opened up many doors for my future.

Kylie Frank came to UW-Stout because of its polytechnic advantage. She loved the campus from the moment she saw it and was very excited about starting her PCEM degree.

"I couldn't wait to launch myself into learning," Frank said.

During her time at Stout, Frank had the chance to work in multiple positions on campus and be involved in different campus activities. Her experiences enhanced her leadership capabilities and confidence.

Inspiring graduate, Kylie Frank

But balancing her time between work, school, friends, and activities was a challenge. She had to learn how to manage her time. And believes her time management is one of the most worthwhile skills to have.

"Stout gave me the opportunity to gain fantastic experiences that I can put towards my career," Frank said. "I met some of the most important people in my life here. They have helped shape me into the person I am."



Development and Marketing Assistant at HM Graphics Inc., Milwaukee, WI


Stout Events Society, American Marketing Association

Awards and Honors: 

Chancellor's Award, all four years