Mollie Ficek Photo

Mollie Ficek

Transfer Admissions Counselor

Office 212F Sorensen Hall

Admissions Staff Bio:

I grew up in central Minnesota, then lived in North Dakota, Idaho, and back in Minnesota before moving to Menomonie to join the UW-Stout Admissions Office in 2017. I enjoy spending time with family and friends, traveling, reading, writing, swimming, crafting and thrifting.   

Advice for a new student?
Try everything!  College if a great time to try new things--food, travel, clubs, and classes. You may be surprised with what you learn, what interests you, and where these new experiences may take you.

College Major/Minor?  
I graduated with a bachelor's degree in History from University of MN-Morris, and a Master's in Creative Writing-Fiction from Boise State University.  

Why did you choose your major?  
I love stories—both fictional stories, and real-world non-fiction narratives. This drew me to both my college degrees and is one thing I love about my job. I get to meet and learn from new people all the time!

What do you love most about UW-Stout? 
The community. UW-Stout has a vibrant campus community of people who care about one another and want each other and our students to succeed. 

My favorite thing to do in Menomonie is... 
Swimming at the Chippewa River Bottoms in Dunnville, and eating Bahn Mi from Hers-To-Go at the Menomonie Farmers Market.   

A random fact about me... 
I have written two books (a short-story collection, and a biography) and am working on a third (novel)!  


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