PowerPoint Rubric

University of Wisconsin - StoutSchedule of Online Courses, Online Certificate Programs, and Graduate Degree
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Elementary Research Rubric

CATEGORY Exemplary Proficient Partially Proficient Unsatisafactory POINTS

Research Questions

3 points

2 points

1 point

0 points


Wrote clear, creative and interesting questions which fit the topic.

Wrote clear questions which fit the topic. Wrote some questions which did not fit the topic. Wrote many questions which did not fit the topic.

Selection of Sources

3 points

2 points

1 point

0 points


Identified useful sources in many formats (books, magazines, electronic).

Identified mostly useful sources in many formats (books, magazines, electronic).

Identified a few useful sources in one or two formats.

Identified no useful sources in any format.

Note Taking and Keywords

3 points

2 points

1 point

0 points

Located and recorded information which answered all of the research questions. Located and recorded information which answered most of the research questions. Located and recorded a lot of information that did not directly answer the research questions. Located and recorded incomplete information which failed to answer any of the research questions.
Organized neat, easy to read notes. Organized notes and most were neat and easy to read. Failed to organize notes effectively; many were messy and hard to read. Did not organize notes; all notes were messy and hard to read.
Wrote all notes using own words and key facts. Wrote most notes using own words and key facts. Wrote some notes that were copied word-for-word from the source. Copied most or all of the notes word-for-word from the source.
Selected effective keywords. Selected mostly effective keywords. Selected many keywords that were not effective. Selected no effective keywords.
Sharing and Presenting Information

3 points

2 points

1 point

0 points

Presented all information in a clear and organized way. Presented most of the information in a clear and organized way. Presented information which was poorly organized or was difficult to understand some of the time. Presented information which was poorly organized, hard to understand.
Selected a highly effective and creative format for the presentation. Selected an effective format for the presentation. Selected a format which was only minimally effective for this topic. Selected a format which was not effective for this topic.

Listing Sources

3 points

2 points

1 point

0 points

Included all sources used and listed sources in the correct format. Included most sources used and listed sources in the correct format. Included most sources used, but some information was missing or incorrect. Failed to include most of the sources used, and a lot of the information was missing or incorrect.



University of Wisconsin - Stout — Schedule of Online Courses, Online Certificate Programs, and Graduate Degree

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Last Updated:  Thursday, November 15, 2018