Activity Rubric

University of Wisconsin-Stout — Schedule of Online Courses, Online Certificate Programs, and Graduate Degree
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EPortfolio (Digital Portfolio) Rubric

Criteria Unsatisfactory Emerging Proficient Exemplary Rating
Selection of Artifacts
The artifacts and work samples do not relate to the purpose of the eportfolio. Some of the artifacts and work samples are related to the purpose of the eportfolio. Most artifacts and work samples are related to the purpose of the eportfolio. All artifacts and work samples are clearly and directly related to the purpose of the eportfolio.  A wide variety of artifacts is included.


Descriptive Text No artifacts are accompanied by a caption that clearly explains the importance of the item including title, author, and date. Some of the artifacts are accompanied by a caption that clearly explains the importance of the item including title, author, and date. Most of the artifacts are accompanied by a caption that clearly explains the importance of the item work including title, author, and date. All artifacts are accompanied by a caption that clearly explains the importance of the item including title, author, and date.
Reflective Commentary The reflections do not explain growth or include goals for continued learning. A few of the reflections explain growth and include goals for continued learning. Most of the reflections explain growth and include goals for continued learning. All reflections clearly explain how the artifact demonstrates your growth, competencies, accomplishments, and include goals for continued learning (long and short term).


The reflections do not illustrate the ability to effectively critique work or provide suggestions for constructive practical alternatives. A few reflections illustrate the ability to effectively critique work and provide suggestions for constructive practical alternatives. Most of the reflections illustrate the ability to effectively critique work and provide suggestions for constructive practical alternatives. All reflections illustrate the ability to effectively critique work and provide suggestions for constructive practical alternatives.
Citations No images, media or text created by others are cited with accurate, properly formatted citations. Some of the images, media or text created by others are not cited with accurate, properly formatted citations. Most images, media or text created by others are cited with accurate, properly formatted citations. All images, media or text created by others are cited with accurate, properly formatted citations.


Navigation The navigation links are confusing, and it is difficult to locate artifacts and move to related pages or a different section. There are significant problems with pages connecting to preceding pages or the navigation menu. Many of the external links do not connect to the appropriate website or file. The navigation links are somewhat confusing, and it is often unclear how to locate an artifact or move to related pages or a different section. Some of the pages connect to the navigation menu, but in other places the links do not connect to preceding pages or to the navigation menu. Some of the external links do not connect to the appropriate website or file. The navigation links generally function well, but it is not always clear how to locate an artifact or move to related pages or different section. Most of the pages connect to the navigation menu. Most of the external links connect to the appropriate website or file. The navigation links are intuitive. The various parts of the portfolio are labeled, clearly organized and allow the reader to easily locate an artifact and move to related pages or a different section. All pages connect to the navigation menu, and all external links connect to the appropriate website or file.


Usability and Accessibility:
Text Elements, Layout, and Color
The eportfolio is difficult to read due to inappropriate use of fonts, type size for headings, sub-headings and text and font styles (italic, bold, underline). The portfolio is often difficult to read due to inappropriate use of fonts and type size for headings, sub-headings, text or long paragraphs. The eportfolio is generally easy to read. Fonts and type size vary appropriately for headings, sub-headings and text. The eportfolio is easy to read. Fonts and type size vary appropriately for headings, sub-headings and text.


Lack of paragraphing impedes scanning Inconsistent use of font styles (italic, bold, underline) distracts the reader. In general, use of headings, sub-headings and paragraphs promotes easy scanning. Use of headings, sub-headings and paragraphs promotes easy scanning.
Many formatting tools are under or over-utilized and decrease the reader accessibility to the content. Some formatting tools are under or over-utilized and decrease the readers' accessi-bility to the content. Use of font styles (italic, bold, underline) is generally consis-tent. Use of font styles (italic, bold, underline) is consistent and improves readability.
Horizontal and vertical white space alignment are used inappro-priately, and the content appears disorganized and cluttered. Horizontal and vertical white space alignment are sometimes used inappro-priately to organize content. Horizontal and vertical white space alignment are generally used appropriately to organize content. Horizontal and vertical white space alignment are used appropriately to organize content.
Color of background, fonts, and links decrease the readability of the text, are distracting and used inconsistently throughout the eportfolio. Color of background, fonts, and links generally enhance the read-ability of the text, and are generally used consistently throughout the eportfolio. Color of background, fonts, and links generally enhance the read-ability of the text, and are generally used consistently throughout the eportfolio. Color of background, fonts, and links enhance the readability and aesthetic quality, and are used consistently throughout the eportfolio.
Writing Conventions There are more than six errors in grammar, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling requiring major editing and revision. There are four or more errors in grammar, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling requiring editing and revision. There are a few errors in grammar, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling. These require minor editing and revision. There are no errors in grammar, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling.


Multimedia Elements (Optional) The graphic elements or multimedia do not contribute to understanding concepts, ideas and relationships. The inappropriate use of multimedia detracts from the content. Some of the graphic elements and multimedia do not contribute to understanding concepts, ideas and relationships. Most of the graphic elements and multimedia contribute to understanding concepts, ideas and relationships, enhance the written material and create interest. All of the photographs, concept maps, spreadsheets, graphics, audio and/or video files effectively enhance understanding of concepts, ideas and relationships, create interest, and are appropriate for the chosen purpose.


The graphics do not include alternate text in web-based portfolios. Some of the graphics include alternate text in web-based portfolios. Most of the graphics include alternate text in web-based portfolios. Accessibility requirements using alternate text for graphics are included in web-based portfolios.
Audio and/or video artifacts are not edited or exhibit inconsistent clarity or sound (too loud/too soft/garbled). A few of the audio and/or video artifacts are edited with inconsistent clarity or sound (too loud/too soft/garbled). Most of the audio and/or video artifacts are edited with proper voice projection, appropriate language, and clear delivery. All audio and/or video artifacts are edited with proper voice projection, appropriate language, and clear delivery.



University of Wisconsin - Stout — Schedule of Online Courses, Online Certificate Programs, and Graduate Degree

Readings on Authentic Assessment

Examples of Other Rubrics

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Revised:   Thursday, November 15, 2018